A Magyar Szerzői Jogi Fórum Egyesület és a WIPO által közösen szervezett, „Adaptation strategies for copyright in the 21st century: Expansion? Contraction? Evolution?” című, az MTA Nagytermében 2018. december 7. napján megtartott nemzetközi szerzői jogi szimpóziumról további információkat talál a "Bemutatkozunk" menüpontra kattintva.
Pál Tomori
Welcome speech
Michal Svantner
Director, Department for Transition and Developed Countries, WIPO
Opening remarks
Viktor Łuszcz
President of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office
Innovation and Copyright
András Szinger
General Director, Artisjus
The Economic Value of Copyright
Jane Ginsburg
Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law at The Columbia Law School
The Umbrella Solution of the WIPO Internet Treaties
Silke von Lewinski
Adj. Professor (University of Zagreb), Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
The European Copyright Reform: the Future of Image Search Engines
Jukka Liedes
Chairman, Finnish Copyright Society
Assessing the Functioning of the Copyright and related Rights Systems
Mitko Chatalbashev
Regional Director For Europe, CISACa
Collective Management Trends in Central And Eastern Europe
Benoit Machuel
Secretary General, International Federation of Musicians (FIM)
Emancipation of performers’ rights: past, present, future
Paloma Lopez Peláez
Head of International Department; AIE, Spain
Collective management of performers rights in the digital age: a viable model for Europe
Mihály Ficsor
Founding President of ALAI HUNGARY
Collective management of performers rights in the digital age: a viable model for Europe