Topic 1: Calculating damages
Chair: Rodrigo Bercovitz, Bercovitz Carvajal, Spain
a) Economic analysis of copyright in trials
Marcel Boyer, Fellow, CIRANO and C.D. Howe Institute, Canada
b) Damages/profits, statutory damages, punitive damages
Yaniv Benhamou, Lecturer, University of Geneva, Switzerland
c) A practitioner navigating damages in Canada
Daniel Drapeau, DrapeauLex Inc., Canada
d) Damages for moral rights
Philippa Loengard, Kernochan Center, USA
e) Class action proceedings
Casey Chisick, Cassels Brock, Canada
Topic 2: Private Copying: Existing Legislative Solutions And Proposals for Future Legal Development
Chair: Stefania Ercolani, SIAE, Italy
a) Pre-judgement seizures; Anton Piller, Mareva orders, Norwich orders
Gwilym Harbottle, Hogarth Chambers, United Kingdom
b) Third party injunctions
Orit Fischman-Afori, The Haim Striks School of Law, Israel
c) Choosing among alternatives: practical experience from a BRICS country
Gustavo Piva de Andrade, Dannemann Siemsen, Brazil
d) Ex parte provisional measures vs right to fair trial
Benoît Michaux, Hoyng Rokh Monegier, Belgium
e) Relationship between Article 47 TRIPs and trade secrets
Carles Vendrell Cervantes, Uría Menéndez, Spain
Topic 3: Criminal law remedies and remedies involving customs authorities
Chair: Carolina Patricia Romero Romero, Dirección Nacional de Derecho de Autor, Colombia
a) Identifying criminal offences and relationship with civil remedies
Gilles Vercken, Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier, France
b) Seizure of goods in transit and relationship with criminal remedies
Tomasz Targosz, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie, Poland
c) Boarder measures
Isabelle Pillet, De Man Pillet, Canada
Topic 4: Digital remedies
Chair: Erin Finlay, Canadian Media Producers Association, Canada
a) Standing issues (art. 15 Berne, ECL)
Rudolf Leška, Štaidl Leška Advokáti, Czech Republic
b) Conclusions sought: blocking orders; notice and take down or notice and notice;
graduated response
Dirk Visser, Visser Schaap & Kreijger, Netherlands
c) Experiencing world-wide injunctions
Barry Sookman, McCarthy Tétrault, Canada
d) Conflicts issues
Marketa Trimble, University of Nevada, USA
e) Intermediaries’ liability
Serge Sasseville, Québecor Média inc., Canada
Topic 5: Remedies other than through courts of general jurisdiction
Chair: Pina dʼAgostino, York University, Canada
a) Specialised judicial tribunals
Coenraad Visser, University of South Africa, South Africa
b) The Canadian Copyright Board
Aidan O’Neil, Fasken, Canada
c) Mediation and arbitration
Tatsuhiro Ueno, Waseda University, Japan
d) Revision of contractual conditions
Johan Axhamn, Stockholm University, Sweden
Topic 6: International remedies
Chair: Silke von Lewinski, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Germany
a) WTO decisions and investor-states disputes
Peter K. Yu, Texas A&M University, USA
b) Role of recent multilateral agreements (like ACTA, NAFTA, TPP)
Jørgen Blomqvist, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
c) The role of EU law in the implementation of international rules
Alexandre Dias Pereira, University of Coimbra, Portugal
d) A view from Africa
Joseph Fometeu, Université de Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
Topic 7: The Last Judgement: A View from the Bench
Chair: Ysolde Gendreau, Université de Montréal, Canada
Frédéric Blockx, Antwerp Commercial Court and delegated judge with the Belgian Supreme Court, Belgium
Louis LeBel, retired justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
Pierre Leval, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, USA