The general subject in the first two days of the ALAI Congress 2003 was the protection of creators' rights in the information society, while the third was devoted to a subject premiering on the agenda of ALAI, the protection of performing artists. More than 250 people - including representatives from WIPO, UNESCO and the European Commission as well as the head of the US Copyright Office - from 24 countries attended the official program of the Congress.
Opening Session
Mihály Ficsor: Opening speech
Dr. Miklós Bendzsel: Opening speech
Geoffrey Yu: Opening speech
Petya Tocharova: Opening speech
Victor Nabhan: Opening speech
Opening Session
Mihály Ficsor: Opening speech
Dr. Miklós Bendzsel: Opening speech
Geoffrey Yu: Opening speech
Petya Tocharova: Opening speech
Victor Nabhan: Opening speech
Topic 1: Copying and Dissemination Through Digital Networks
Topic 2: Private Copying: Existing Legislative Solutions And Proposals for Future Legal Development
Jane Ginsburg: Questionnaire on digital private copying prepared by the Working Group
Jane Ginsburg: Introduction
Hannah Shay: General Report - Part A National provisions relating to private copying
Margo E. Crespin: General report - Part B The definition of private copying
Jane Ginsburg: Remarks between the presentations
Stefan Martin: General Report - Part C Summary of the national reports on the questions concerning the regime of private copying in the analog domain
Antoine Latreille: General Report - Part D Legislative activity concerning private copying
Topic 3: Policy Questions Concerningthe Legal Treatment of Copying and Dissemination through Digital Networks
William Cornish: Introduction
Pierre Sirinelli: Reproduction and dissemination through digital networks from the viewpoint of French law
Shira Perlmutter: Availability of works, choice for consumers, confidence in markets
Bernt Hugenholtz: The future of copyright levies in the digital environment
Alain Strowel: C: C & C Copyright: Control and compensation
Takashi B. Yamamoto: How to approach limitations in the digital network environment
Topic 4: Existing Levy Systems
Willem Wanrooij: Remuneration systems for private copying in Europe
Gillian Davies: The position of the United Kingdom
Margarida Almeida-Rocha: The situation in Portugal
Robert Hadl: Levies in the United States - myths and reality
Irina V. Savelieva: Private copying under the Russian copyright law
Adolf Dietz: Existing levy systems - Germany
Ramón Casas Vallés: Private copying remuneration in Spain
Gabriel e. Larrea Richerand: Private copying as seen from Mexico
Gun Magnusson: The Swedish levy system
Topic 5: Technologically Controlled Dissemination through Digital Networks
Jan Rosén: Introduction
Ted Shapiro: The film industry's viewpoint
Pawel J. Stelmaszczyk: The software industry's viewpoint
Carlo Scollo Lavizzari: The viewpoint of the publishing industry - Current practices and outlook
Hideki Nogata: The viewpoint of authors' societies - The case of mobile phone ringtones in Japan
Topic 7: "The Closest Neighbors": Protection of Performers' Rights after the 1996 and 2000 WIPO Diplomatic Conferences
Topics 8 and 9: The Protection of Performers' Rights Concerning their Aural Performances
Topics 10 and 11: The Protection of Performers' Rights Concerning Their Audiovisual Performances
Jean Vincent: Introduction
Monica Randall: Audiovisual performers' hopes and demands before the preparation of a third try after 1996 and 2000
Abelmartín Villarejo: Reflections on the protection of audiovisual performances
Silke von Lewinski: The protection of performers in the audiovisual field in Europe and the United States
Ralph Oman: The protection of actors' rights: The U.S. perspective
Samuel Shu Masuyama: Recent Developments in Japan