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Our society
The Hungarian Copyright Forum (’HCF’) was established on 21 March 2001 with the aim of promoting, through the development of copyright in general, the protection of creators and other rights holders. Amongst our objectives are, in particular, the studying of the evolvement of copyright in national, European and international level with the aim of sharing the information thus collected with professional and non-professional circles; supporting the work of the Copyright Experts Body and, as regards their copyright related activities the Hungarian Patent Office and other governmental bodies; participating in the work of ALAI, the Association Litteraire et Artistique Internationale. It worth noting here that HCF was the first national group from Central and Eastern Europe invited to join ALAI in 2001.
ALAI was established in 1078 to protect and promote the rights of creators. Its first president was Victor Hugo, the world famous writer. ALAI played a key role in initiating the process which finally led to the adoption of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in 1886, this being ever since the cornerstone of international copyright protection and a fundamental point of reference for all other subsequent international copyright treaties adopted in either by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) or in the frame of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). For further information on ALAI please visit its website. As the Hungarian national group of this highly prestigious international organisation, the most significant event in our short history was the hosting of the Congress and General Assembly of ALAI in September 2003.
The general subject in the first two congress-days was the protection of creators’ rights in the information society, while the third was devoted to a subject premiering on the agenda of ALAI, the protection of performing artists. More than 250 people - including representatives from WIPO, UNESCO and the European Commission as well as the head of the US Copyright Office - from 24 countries attended the official program of the Congress which was accompanied also with outstanding cultural programs, such as the concert of the National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Zoltán Kocsis. Thanks to participants, contributors and organisers alike, the Congress was an undoubted success, so much so that some participants even thought suited assessing it as the «revival» of ALAI. For further information concerning the 2003 ALAI Congress, please visit its website where you can still find the edited archives of the Congress.
HCF regularly organises professional meetings to discuss current copyright issues. Our co-operation with the Hungarian Patent Office and the Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright proved to be fruitful and mutually beneficial also in this respect. Our programs are usually well attended, especially by interested professional circles. To see forthcoming events please check our events-calendar.
HCF puts great emphasis on including in its work young talents, whether they already master copyright research on an academic level or are just in the course of discovering it, and especially on inspiring university students to nobly compete with each other in this field. The Apáthy-award, a competition for university students for the best copyright study of the year was established by HCF for that specific purpose. For further information concerning the Apáthy-award please click on its menu item. Wish to know more? Need specific information? Please contact us.

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